Friday 20 March 2015

The Arrow Episode 16 (Spoilers if you haven't already seen the episode)

This week we also had the return of my all time favourite show, Arrow. It was a great episode this week with lots of new stuff, unfortunately not as much stuff as the flash. Anyway onto the new stuff.

In the episode we learn more about Oliver's ordeal. The offer that ra's al ghul has given to Oliver means that he will command an army of assassins and have access to the lazarus pit with will make Oliver (Almost) immortal. Doesn't sound that bad right? I mean I would be even tempted to take the deal. That would be if I were and sword wielding ninja (I'm not btw). Well it seems it is more difficult than it sounds, Oliver spends most of the episode puzzling over whether to take it or not. To take it would mean him leaving behind everything, even felicity *sad face*. But if he were to take it he could finally keep starling city truly safe from all crime.
Also in the episode we learn that denying the offer would not be an easy job to do either. As merlyn said 'The one who survives the blade of ra's al ghul will become the next ra's al ghul'. From this we can infer that the show is going to go in the direction of there being a huge battle between the league of assassins and Team arrow. Fingers Crossed!!!

From the writers and from past seasons we have learnt that another character is going to die at the end of the season. In season one it was Tommy his best friend, In season 2 it was moira his mother and now I predict there will be yet another. But who?
Well lets think about this, there are multiple people close to the arrow, but who wouldn't we miss that much? In my eyes I think it will be Roy. I think it could be him as Arsenal is also nicknamed speedy, and that is thea's nickname. So she could be replacing him there. Also you can only have so many characters in Team arrow, we all know that diggle, felicity and laurel aren't going to leave for many reasons. So that again leaves Roy. It would be a shame to see Roy die or maybe just leave, but what would the show be without a few deaths here and there.

If you think i have missed any major points out or want a point discussing futher, leave a comment below!

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