Thursday 19 March 2015

The flash Episode 15 (Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode)

This week sparked the return of the much missed show, the flash. After three weeks break from the flash, it finally returned to our screens. And what an episode it was!

From previous trailers we could see that there was much excitement to look forward to, and it seems our hopes for the episode finally came true.
The question is what made the episode so good? Well for starters we finally got to see Barry time travel, for those who have read the comics this has been in the waiting for a long time now. We get hints at the time travel throughout the episode, first when we see Barry going after weather wizard you get a glimpse of another Barry. Now this confused me a lot at first and like the next person, theories started appearing in my head. Soon towards the end of the episode we finally learn that it was actually Barry going back in time.
So there's that, but what else? Well another biggie was the reveal of harrison wells being the reverse flash and a relative of Eddie thawne. I love how the show revealed this through the past few episodes and the characters gradually becoming suspicious. Now many of you had your theories of who the reverse flash was, but don't throw them out of the window just yet. The writers of the show have hinted at there being another reverse flash. Now this could be one person and one person only, Eddie. Things by the looks of the trailer and the episode are going to heat up between Barry and Eddie. And I think that will lead onto Eddie becoming the reverse flash. Let me know what you think about that one.
And finally another few moments of the episode I feel I need to highlight. We have the kiss between iris and Barry. I believe the whole entire fandom might have been freaking out then. It's a shame for those of you who ship Barry and Linda. But you cannot say that the kiss was not the cutest moment of the season. Anyway we also have iris finding out Barry's secret , that he is the flash. Now we aren't entirely sure how she is going to react to this, could be like every tv show and she will react really badly to it. Or they could be a bit different and she will take it well. We will just have to see. Now for my final moment, when wells killed Cisco. This was a big shocker for me up till the scene, but when he found out I realised that there was only one way it could go down.
As for next week, I predict that non of what I discussed in my last paragraph will have actually happened as he has gone backwards and reset time. Now obviously he is going to change the way he does things, meaning he saves the lives of more people. Cisco included. But I'm afraid to say that I don't think iris finding out or this kiss will happen over again. I think this a shame if this does happen, but again it's sometimes best if the one the hero loves doesn't know his secret.
So that's it for this week's episode, let me know what you thought in the comments and we can discuss those even further.

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