Thursday 26 March 2015

The flash episode 16 (Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode yet)

It appears we were right! Barry did in fact change the way he did things, and saved many lives. It's as if  I went into the future and watched the episode in advanced (I wish). Anyway as we saw it saved many lives, Cisco's, the chiefs and maybe even detective Joe west. But did it really save as many lives as it endangered.

The episode starts where it ended last episode, I thought this was a great technique for the show to use, it was almost like a part two to the previous episode. Barry begins to come to terms with what has happens and begins re-living his day. Having already done it once he pretty much knows what was going to happen. So instead of all those lives being lost, even Cisco's that he didn't even know about, he captures weather wizard straight away. All sorted right?

Not quite, wells soon figures out Barry has gone back in time, having already done it himself. Wells warns him of the dangers if he does anything differently. But did Barry listen? I think not.

As Barry captured weather wizard, this gave the rouges a chance to step in and cause mischief. This is where we first meet captain colds sister, Lisa. Also known as golden glider in the comics. As expected they start causing mischief, which meant that Cisco and his brothers lives were online. Better than dead I guess. Barry trys to deal with them, but with lots of things getting in the way it didn't quite go to plan, with him letting them go.

In the last episode Barry also finds out that iris in fact has feelings for Barry. This doesn't end too well. It turns out she only admitted those feeling because of the heat of the moment, according to wells. This ends up getting Barry getting punched in the face by Eddie, not a happy bunny in this episode. Kaitlyn soon helps Barry fix this by saying that it's effects of the lightweight, what a load of rubbish lol.

And finally we have the end scene, often the best scene of the episode. This is where our final life at risk comes in. Because the reporter had secret information on Dr wells, he couldn't have that being published now could we. So what do we do, we kill them. Just like he would have killed Cisco. Better him than Cisco tbh. Barry and wells then have a discussion about the day, and this is when Barry find the news report. Iris' boss is dead. Coincidence much? Barry thinks so. Let the conspiracy theories begin.

So what for next week? Well Barry and Joe are quite clearly going to look into wells and his background. Which means that Barry is going to discover that explains the reverse flash first. We still have yet to see Eddie shoot a few cops, this could happen in the next episode which would be great. But I really think he is going to learn more about his history (or should I say future).

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